Equal opportunities (equality & diversity) policy

Equal opportunities (equality & diversity) policy

DATE CREATED: September 2008
DATE REVIEWED: December 2020
DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: December 2021


Alert Training UK Ltd (hereafter referred to as “the company”). This policy covers the company’s commitment in creating an inclusive environment, where people are treated with dignity and respect and where we anticipate and respond positively to different needs and circumstances to ensure everyone can achieve their potential.
Our Policy aims – to prevent discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and promote good relations between people.
Alert Training UK Ltd will inform candidates of the existence of this policy and will review the policy annually.


Alert Training UK Ltd is committed to equality of opportunity in education, training and employment. This commitment applies to all, regardless of gender, age, racial origin, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, employment status or any disability.
Alert Training UK Ltd aims to promote practices and procedures which ensure equality of opportunity and aims to eliminate any which unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly.
Alert Training UK Ltd seeks to ensure the following:
That the content and assessment of its qualifications allow for the widest diversity of candidates
That the content and demands of its qualifications are non-discriminatory and are appropriate to the knowledge and skills specified
That the style and language of its documentation are readily understood and do not reflect stereotyped or biased attitudes
That its promotional materials and activities reflect the diversity of candidates
That its assessors, verifiers, moderators and all associated with assessment apply a fair and just process
That its staff operate equal opportunities policies which accord with those of Alert Training UK Ltd
That it has an effective appeals procedure of which candidates are made aware.


Equality and diversity is a term used in the United Kingdom to define and champion equality, diversity and human rights as defining values of society. It promotes equality of opportunity for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and discrimination.

4. PROCEDURE – (Actions/implementation):

In order to achieve the successful implementation of this policy, Alert Training UK Ltd will:
Issue the policy statement to its entire staff, and ensure that it should be available on request to candidates and other interested parties
Provide development activity appropriate to the needs of its staff, on a regular basis
Ensure that issues of equal opportunity are addressed as an integral part of qualification development, qualification review and assessment guidance
Maintain an equal opportunities group, with appropriate representation, to oversee the development and implementation of the policy and to advise on changes and amendments as appropriate.

In the case of a matter relating to this policy, candidates should immediately inform their Tutor or Assessor and Internal Verifier in writing.


Internal disciplinary action may be taken if staff do not adhere to the said policy and procedure.

6. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS (Linked policies etc.)

Equality Act 2010
Risk Assessment Policy
Information Advice & Guidance Policy
Quality Policy
Safeguarding & Prevent Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
Modern Slavery Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy

01722 332212
01722 332212