Faith abuse

Faith abuse

Faith and belief-based child abuse, including practices around ‘spirit possession’ and ‘witchcraft’, is a hidden crime, which makes it difficult to quantify in terms of magnitude. Abuse can be separated into five different areas:

  1. Abuse as a result of a child being accused of being a ‘witch’
  2. Abuse as a result of a child being accused of being possessed by ‘evil spirits’
  3. Ritualistic abuse which is prolonged sexual, physical and psychological abuse
  4. Satanic abuse which is carried out in the name of ‘Satan’ and may have links to cults
  5. Any other harmful practice linked to a belief or faith

For more in depth information and how to spot the signs and symptoms of faith abuse then please follow this link:

For information on how to report any suspicions regarding faith abuse please follow this link:

If you are worried or have any concerns, please contact Alert Training UK.
During office hours: 01722332212
Outside of office hours: 07967000048

Other useful resources

Telephone for adults: 08088005000
Telephone for children: 08001111

The Mix
A huge resource for the under 25s, covering everything from bereavement, exam stress, emotional abuse, mental health to homelessness. A confidential service with a 24 hour helpline.
Telephone: 08088084994

01722 332212
01722 332212